These Are The 5 Dumb Social Media Trends In History
The internet has created some dumb social media trends over the past couple years, regardless of whether you participated or not. This is our list of the worst social media trends. Some of them were funny, some of them were dangerous, and some of them were disturbing.
Challenge of the Fire
This challenge was ridiculous, dangerous, and disturbing. It was a challenging trend where people would light themselves on fire. What kind of idiot can you be? The person would douse themselves in gasoline and light themselves on fire, record it, and post it on social media. It got out of hand way too fast. Check out the fire challenge for yourself.
Lip Challenge by Kylie Jenner
I think this one is the best. Kylie Jenner was suckling on a glass to inflate her lips. This is either amusing or disgusting to me. In either case, it proves that women will go to great lengths to achieve what they perceive as beauty. Lips were blown up outrageously on girls everywhere.
The “Don’t Judge Me Challenge.”
This challenge was vain and pointless. It would show someone making their face disgusting withdrawn on flaws from sharpie and ridiculous hair and transform themselves into their hottest look in one video. This challenge was very dumb. It was only to fuel egos, go figure.
What is the Cinnamon Challenge?
It was a very amusing, but very dumb challenge. It was a challenge to swallow a spoonful of cinnamon without vomiting or coughing. Cinnamon cannot be taken without water. Videos of everyone coughing were hilarious, but this challenge will go down in history as one of the dumbest.
Challenge of 100 Layers
This one got out of hand, wow. Anything can be layered 100 times. In this challenge, people piled on 100 layers of clothing, lipstick, mascara, nail polish, etc. While watching all of these 100 layer challenges, I had a couple of thoughts running through my head. “These people are wasteful.” “This is time-consuming.” “Wow, this is pointless, and I can’t stop watching.” Everyone might have felt this way. I found these videos to be very strange, dumb, and entertaining.